Les Alpagas de Kergohy
Talking about alpacas
Blanket The best part of the fleece, from the back and sides of an alpaca.
Conformation The physical characteristics of an alpaca – its shape, size and proportions.
Cria Alpaca baby – usually a single cria will be born after about 11.5 months’ gestation. Twins are not unknown, but they are rare.
Crimp The undulations or waviness of a huacaya fibre – fleece with a high level of crimp is considered more desirable.
Hembra A female alpaca
Lock A natural clump of fleece
Lustre The sheen or shininess of fibre
Macho A male alpaca
Micron A measure of fineness of fibre using the diameter of the fibre
Pencil A lock of suri fleece, resembling a dreadlock
Supplement Additional feed providing minerals and vitamins essential for good alpaca health which are lacking in their grass and hay.